07 Feb

Everyone wants to see results in the fastest way possible. I wish I could tell you that there was some type of magic pill that would make you stronger overnight. In order to be strong, one has to be consistent in their effort to become strong and this typically means pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone. With that being said, here are the 5 best exercises to gain strength.

Bench Press

The bench press is probably the most well known exercise in the western hemisphere. There is nothing like being able to throw 225 on the bar and rep it out. Overall it is the best exercise to gain upper body strength. The exercise works three major muscle groups; the pectorals (chest), the anterior deltoids (shoulders), and the triceps. The chest being the main muscle in the movement. The bench when done correctly can provide massive gains to one's upper body strength.

The Press

Another way to improve your upper body strength is to do the overhead press. There are many different versions of the press, but my personal favorite is the barbell press. No matter the variation you choose, doing this exercise will greatly enhance one's pressing strength. The exercise uses the shoulders as a prime mover with held from the triceps. Do not get discouraged when your press numbers are not as high as you want them to be. This lift builds the stabilization that one needs to become a better presser. Overall doing this lift will help you gain strength in exercises such as your bench press and incline bench press.

Bent Over Row

Now that we have established pressing strength, pulling strength is needed to balance out the pressing. Too much pressing (or pulling) creates muscle imbalances and can lead to injury (NASM 2018, Rippetoe 2017). Think of pushing and pulling as a Yin/Yang relationship. Without one, the other would take over. Rowing will not only balance out the pressing, but also build a strong and big back. There are more muscles in your back than there are in your front (McGraw Hill 2018). This makes rowing that much more important. A row will work the lats, the posterior deltoid (back of shoulder), teres major, and part of the erector spine (NASM 2018). With so many muscles being worked one will be sore the next day, but in the end it is worth it to build overall strength. 

The Squat

Squatting is the fastest way to build overall strength in one's legs. In order to have FUNCTIONAL strength you have to squat. There are many different ways to build strength in your legs, but the best and fastest way to build strength is to squat in some shape or form. While squatting is not everyone's favorite exercise, if you are looking to getting as strong as possible in the least amount of time, squatting is unavoidable. 

The Deadlift

I saved the best exercise for last, the deadlift. The deadlift is the best exercise for total body strength (Rippetoe 2018). The deadlift is a complete body movement that uses almost all of the muscles in your body to be able to lift the bar off the ground. Sometimes referred to as a 'controversial' lift because of the injury frequency of people who do not practice the correct form (NASM 2018). When done correctly this lift generates strength in the legs and back mostly. Not much needs to be said about this lift other than the strongest men on the planet perform this lift in some shape or form in their training schedule. You have to trust me on this, if you want to get stronger, the deadlift is a must. 


Clark, M., Sutton, B. G., &amp; Lucett, S. (2018).&nbsp;<em>NASM essentials of personal fitness training</em>. Burlington, MA: Jones &amp; Bartlett Learning.

Rippetoe, M., &amp; Bradford, S. E. (2017).&nbsp;<em>Starting strength: Basic barbell training</em>. Wichita Falls, TX: Aasgaard Company.

Saladin, K. S., &amp; Gan, C. A. (2018).&nbsp;<em>Human anatomy</em>. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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